Shipping is included for all orders!

Orders are shipped flat rate with free shipping and will be shipped from our China warehouse, arriving in approximately 6-10 business days (please note that the customer is responsible for any duties/customs charges).

Hassle-Free Returns and Exchanges

If you’re not satisfied, neither are we. We want you to try our products completely risk-free!

Our 90-day hassle-free return policy is effective from the date you receive your order. This gives you time to try your item.

**Please note that for international orders, return/exchange shipping costs must be borne by the customer.

If you have any questions about the status or eligibility of your return, please contact our support team. To ensure that the issue is resolved in a timely manner, please provide your order number.

We will inspect each returned item. If the inspection reveals any damage or alterations to the item, your refund may need to be approved.

Quality and craftsmanship are our top priority. It always has been and always will be.

Our policies reflect the essence of our products – supportive + stress-free! We value your business and trust. In all cases, we want to make sure you are completely satisfied with every Satplight product. If you have any questions about purchasing one of our products, please contact [email protected] directly.

We always guarantee our products to be free from material and structural defects for one full year from the date of purchase.